Whole day talks about JavaScript? -Okay.
Free drinks, meal and comfy seats? -Alright.
Two days off for a conference, visiting Novi Sad? -Where should I sign?! 🙂
As we’re all familiar with, most of the websites worldwide have a JavaScript code running on it. Hence, the developers (especially front end guys) have to keep up the pace with it, get familiar with its vulnerabilities, security, standards, frameworks and the list goes on and on.
There are a couple of ways to work on PDP (Personal Development Plan). One of the methods is attending conferences related to the particular field.
ArmadaJS is the name of the first JavaScript conference held in Serbia. It took place in Novi Sad, on 19-20.09. Speakers were from all over the world, experienced and passionate developers, working for the largest IT companies, such as “Google”, “Mozilla”, “Node.js”, “Amazon”, “IBM”, “Spotify”, etc.
I, along with my front end co-workers, was very happy to attend, listening to the ideas, different approaches to a situation, sharing thoughts after each lecture during the Q&A sessions…
Of course, not everything in the garden is rosy. There are some things yet to be improved that the organizers are aware of.
Nevertheless, the one next year has to be better and I will certainly check that one, as well.
Perhaps we’ll see each other there?.. Think about it. 🙂