
Tnation Employees On The Tennis Field

“TNation Open 2019” tennis tournament

The “TNation Open 2019” tournament held this weekend at Ada Ciganlija. After thrilling eight rounds, Vladimir Radicevic has taken the victory. The second-place finisher was Branislav Bogicevic, whereas the third place went to our CTO Sinisa Medic.This spectacular tennis event went in a pleasant and sporty atmosphere. Congratulations to all our colleagues on the great tournament!

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The Second &Quot;Tnation Fantasy League&Quot; Tnation Fpl 2018/19

The second “TNation Fantasy League” TNation FPL 2018/19

The second “TNation Fantasy League” tournament is finished and the “Gvozdeni puk” is the holder of the double crown of this year’s competition “TNation FPL 2018/19” and “TNation H2H 2018/19” Fantasy Premier Leagues. After thrilling 38 rounds, Rade Jovisic and his „Gvozdeni puk” took a final victory. Second-place finisher was “Svemir Zeka”, the team of

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Evropsko Prvenstvo U Stonom Tenisu

Evropsko prvenstvo u stonom tenisu

Kada sam dobio poziv da učestvujem na evropskom takmičenju u Barseloni bio sam presrećan. Kako sam već nekoliko godina unazad član sportske ekipe Visoke škole elektrotehnike i računarstva, čast mi je bila da prihvatim poziv i da se borim za medalju.

Ostalo mi je samo da spakujem kofere i krenem u divnu avanturu, 7 dana dobrog druženja i bus tura kroz Veneciju, Ljoret de Mar, Barselonu, Kan, Monte Karlo, Nicu… i naravno po medalju. U Ljoret de Maru je održan žreb. Učestvovalo je preko 300 učesnika iz raznih evropskih zemalja. Bio sam veoma uzbuđen i srećan sto ću biti deo cele manifestacije. Želja za pobedom je bila sve veća i veća. Kako za turnir nisam znao ranije, imao sam malo vremena da se pripremim, ali vođen onom čuvenom „sreća prati hrabre“ bio sam više nego spreman.

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Tnation Chess Tournament Winner

The winner of the first TNation chess tournament

TNation company has organized the first tournament for employees in chess and the grand master Sinisa Kresojevic took the victory. The winner of the tournament won the first place with a convincing game, without any defeat, winning 9 points from 9 games played. Immediately behind the most successful, Strahinja Milicevic was in the second place, scored 7 points and Branislav Stevanovic was on the third place with 5 points scored. This marvelous chess event was held in a pleasant and sporty atmosphere. General Manager Milos Podgorac presented awards to the best players.
After many great chess matches, we are ready to start with the organization of our second TNation tournament.

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Dodela Nagrada

TNation Fantasy liga – dodela nagrada!

Najlepši deo svakog takmičenja je upravo dodela nagrada takmičarima koji su ostvarili najbolje rezultate. Šampionu “TNation Fantasy lige”, kao i osvajaču drugog i trećeg mesta, uručili smo nagrade za koje su se borili 38 kola.  Stefanu Radojčiću za apsolutno zasluženo prvo mesto poklonili smo “GoPro” kameru, drugoplasiranom Milošu Podgorcu “Samsung Gear Vr”, a trećeplasiranom Predragu Janjiću Power

TNation Fantasy liga – dodela nagrada! Read More

Tnation Fantasy Liga

TNation Fantasy liga 2018

Završena je još jedna sezona engleske “Premier lige”, a samim tim i planetarno popularnog “Fantasy Premier League” takmicenja. Igri koja je zaludela planetu nije odoleo ni “TNation”, pa smo za naše zaposlene organizovali “TNation fantasy ligu”. Učesnici su se borili za prestiž i vredne nagrade, medu kojima su “GoPro” kamera za pobednika, za drugoplasiranog “Samsung

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