TNation missed this year’s ski season among the lush trees on Serbian mountain tops. However, we did not forget the importance of red uniforms in the Mountain Rescue Services (GSS) of Serbia. We support the association’s goals with a donation to help them equip one of the offices in Kruševac.
Taking a hike along the Serbian mountain paths you will likely see a member of Mountain Rescue Services. They have been watching over this land since 1952 when the association was founded by a group of experienced alpinists.
Today the GSS counts more than 250 people of different professions who have a mutual mission – to rescue lives. They are dedicated, specialized volunteers providing hope, and working in conjunction with other civic and military services.
According to the Law on Emergency Situations, the Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia is included in the factors of protection, search and rescue in Serbia. Because the organization is called “mountain rescue” so many people presume their occupation is confined to dramatic hilltop rescues. Nothing could be further from the truth.
TNation’s Support a Way of Saying – Thank You
We still remember their uniforms emerging out of the water, saving lives from the flooded areas of Obrenovac. To support the GSS organization and their versatile efforts, TNation offered to help the office in Kruševac.
In the world before us, random acts of kindness are seldom mentioned. TNation is an outsourcing company, and yet we are aware of the important tasks that GSS members carry out on our territory.
The donation we shared with them is but a fragment of kindness that the GSS members offer daily. The Mountain Rescue Services is a nonprofit organization with a noteworthy cause to drive them. Saving over 1000 lives each year and risking their own to help another, they promote an act of goodwill and hope.