As an outsourcing company in Serbia, TNation provides software development services for years. Clients rely on our remote teams of highly-skilled software developers.
Hence, Prooptics, headquartered in Oslo Norway came to us with an idea of innovative software use in ophthalmological medicine. The Norwegian firm outsourced our development team to build the next-generation software. Clinic+ utilizes cutting edge technology used by opticians in Northwestern Europe. A couple of years into development TNation is proud that the go-live version is ready.
The Strength of TNation’s Outsourcing Development Team Collaboration
Two years into the development, our team delivered the software at the end of January. “The journey was an exciting challenge and a privilege. We had excellent communication with the client,” said Igor Savić-team leader. “The coworkers are the best! We built it according to the client’s specifications. All operated as one, and any concerns we had were long gone the moment we started working on the project.”- he responded with a smile.
Savić built the outsourcing team of testers, project managers, front-end, and back-end developers. They formed a compatible unit delivering a quality product for the client. According to him, the teamwork was at the highest level, and each gave their best during the project. Furthermore, the group invested their strengths to work on great technology while growing their careers, friendship and perfecting the craft.
Almost as Human: The Software that Helps Humanity
The Clinic+ launches for a Nordic market leader in refractive surgery Memira. Equally important, the eye clinic has more than 40 medical centers across Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
The application allows the user a cloud-based solution that gives them on-demand service and ample storage. It provides a customer journey through patient documents, appointments, and automatic recall management. Clinic+ is automation software reinforced by innovative ideas and outsourcing collaboration to help humankind.