Amidst the pandemic, TNation organized an online Christmas tree contest for all employees.
As we collaborate with NewTec Solutions, we made this online competition together. Sure enough, around the beginning of December, we invited our coworkers to join in on Holiday fun. The Christmas tree decorating contest started as an idea. This idea turned into an invitation and the news spread fast among the coworkers. Soon after, 31 photos of elaborately decorated trees came in via email.
To keep the contest fair, we invited people to vote for the best Christmas tree via TNation’s Facebook page. As more people tuned in, the competition got a completely new form. Followers and their families voted for which holiday tree they think is the best. The fans could choose the most favored tree by “liking” or “commenting”.
Facebook engagement grew each day. Yet, judging by the votes the competition winner was to remain a mystery until the end of the month. Thus, the most popular trees that receive the most votes were announced on 24th December.
Carefully placed ornaments, twinkling stars, and presents made this holiday decorating contest harder. Nonetheless, based on the votes there was a winner from each of the companies.
The first-place prizes were two Family Roots Pandora Charms.
Colleagues Maja and Bojana received the charms as the winners of the best-decorated tree contest.
Although their trees were sparkling brighter, we couldn’t omit other contestants. The sweetest tree decorated by Goran received a gift box of Štark pralines. For Bojan and Zoran, we prepared a very delicious surprise on the day of New Year’s Eve. “Santa Claus” from Slatkoteka brought them festively decorated donuts.
Much like the competing ones, the Christmas tree is a symbol of life. Something new that awaits in the following year. Our fellow workers made this Holiday that much more interesting by engaging with the rest of us. Each of the 31-holiday trees represents a tale by itself. A never-ending story that will repeat each year for generations to come.